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How to Add Image Displays to Posts
How to Add Image Displays to Posts

Learn how to add monetized image-only displays in WordPress.

Caitlin Ward avatar
Written by Caitlin Ward
Updated over 5 months ago

🌡 Note: Image displays are only available with Lasso Pro plans. If you're not sure which plan you're on, or if you need to upgrade to Pro, click the chat bubble in the bottom right corner. The team is here to help!

What Are Image Displays?

Image displays are Lasso product displays that only show the image of the product. The image is monetized with your affiliate link. If readers click that image, they'll go to the product you've linked to.

For example:

Step-by-Step Instructions for Adding Image Displays

πŸ’­ These steps show how to add Image displays using the Gutenberg block editor. If you need help with a different editor, please message our team.

1. Go to the post editor for any of your articles in WordPress.

2. Click the '+' button to add a new block. Then, choose the 'Lasso' option.

(If it doesn't appear, you may need to search for it first.)

3. Click the 'Add a Display' button that appears in the new Lasso block.

4. Choose the 'Image' option.

For Existing Lasso Links

πŸš₯ If you already have a Lasso link for your product, keep reading. If you need to add an Image display for a new product, skip to step 6.

5. Type the name of the product in the search box and hit 'Enter' on your keyboard. Then, click the 'Add' button.

That's it! The image will now show on your post. πŸŽ‰

For New Lasso Links

6. If the product doesn't exist on your site yet, click the 'Create a Link' button.

7. Copy the affiliate link for your new product.

😎 Note: If you're using an Amazon link, you can copy the URL straight from your browser. You don't have to go through SiteStripe because Lasso will automatically add your tracking ID.

8. Paste your new affiliate link in the Lasso pop-up. Then, click the 'Add Link' button.

9. Click the 'Add' button.

(You can click on the image to change it first if you'd like.)

That's it! The image will now show on your post. πŸŽ‰

If you have any questions, please contact us via the chat bubble in the bottom right corner of this page or email us at [email protected]. We're here to help!

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