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What Happens If You Cancel Lasso?
What Happens If You Cancel Lasso?

Leaving Lasso? Be aware of these steps before you deactivate or delete the plugin!

Andrew avatar
Written by Andrew
Updated over 9 months ago

Lasso is a WordPress plugin which requires an active subscription to use all its features including, but not necessarily limited to:

  • Opening the Dashboard

  • Adding or editing your Lasso product links

  • Importing or reverting Lasso displays

  • Changing your Auto-Amazon settings

Once your subscription ends, your current Lasso product links or displays will not break as long as the Lasso plugin remains active in your WordPress installation.

Warning: If your license key expires or is past due, you will not be able to access your Lasso Dashboard for managing product links, add any new product links, or edit existing ones. You can view your site's individual posts to find any existing displays if you wish to replace them.

But you won't be able to access your Lasso dashboard for managing links, add any new product links, or edit them.

If you've decided to leave Lasso, we're sad to see you go!

Below is our recommendations of steps to take before canceling your Lasso subscription and deactivating or deleting the Lasso plugin.

Remove or Replace All Lasso Product Displays on your Blog

Note: These steps are directed as what to do before you cancel your Lasso subscription, deactivate or delete the plugin.

The first important thing to do before canceling your Lasso subscription is to remove all the Lasso product displays on your posts or pages.

Otherwise, an inactive license key can mean you can't access your Lasso Dashboard to be able to update any links.

And if you deactivate or delete the Lasso plugin, your blog will be full of Lasso shortcodes on the frontend—and you likely don't want that!

Warning: If you have already canceled your Lasso subscription and can't access your Lasso Dashboard to manage your links, you will need to find Lasso display/link Locations manually on a per-post basis by browsing through your WordPress posts.

If your Lasso subscription is still active, you can use the Locations feature in your Dashboard next to every product link to find out where it is currently placed:

Lasso doesn't show Groups or Tables in Locations yet, you'll need to find those manually!

Remove or Replace All Lasso Text Links on your Blog

Note: These steps are directed as what to do before you cancel your Lasso subscription, deactivate or delete the plugin.

You might have used hypertext links on your content to directly link to your product links which could be cloaked links created by Lasso.

You'll need to remove or replace every link with another link (e.g. directly) if you decide to stop using Lasso.

Again, you can use the Locations feature to find displays and text links of that product:

Replace Any Cloaked Links

When you use Lasso with non-Amazon affiliate networks, by default Lasso will create cloaked links for you and allow you to customize them.

These are essentially redirections, similar to what you'd find inside Yoast, RankMath, or other SEO handling plugins.

When you deactivate/delete the Lasso plugin, all of the cloaked links (redirections) that Lasso created will no longer exist.

This might cause problems if you are still linking to those cloaked links after Lasso is gone!

Remove Lasso Data Attributes

When Lasso is first activated, it builds a link index.

To do that, Lasso scans your entire blog's links to discover what is an affiliate link—most networks are imported by Lasso—and adds a unique ID tag to every link.

They could look like this: data-lasso-id="120144" - learn more about Lasso's data attributes here.

If you deactivate/delete Lasso early then these ID tags could remain in your blog's code.

Luckily, we have a simple feature inside Lasso's Settings > General to remove them before you uninstall:

What if I've Already Cancelled Lasso / License Key isn't Active?

If your Lasso subscription has already ended and/or your license key is no longer active, then you will lose access to the Lasso Dashboard, Link Details, and majority of other settings.

But you will still be able to access the only function you may need after canceling, which is the Remove Data Attributes button that can still be found under Lasso > Uninstall in the WordPress admin sidebar:

Clicking this button will remove all the data attributes that Lasso has added to links.

You won't be able to view the Lasso Dashboard or manage any of your links or settings with a canceled subscription.

At that point, if you wish to view your Lasso products data you can do so by browsing your website to find where you have placed you Lasso displays or links and choose to change or replace them with another solution.

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